This is... amazing. FINISH IT!!!!
This is... amazing. FINISH IT!!!!
Add one more to the Newgrounds best songs list! Very well done, F-777.
Someone liked the new South Park episode :) Damn Canadians and their strike... lol.
Anyways, I liked the song. Interesting, maybe a bit more drums and louder bass? Just a thought :D
Wow, great song. You must've been listening to Metal Gear Solid music, sounds a lot like it.
Oh and for those that don't know, MilkMan Dan left for a while, but came back! He is still making songs, so don't feel sad :)
I agree with Paranooiddj001, this needs a bit more bass, but it's still pretty great. I like it, you get a 9/10 like your friend did :)
yeah but who does your vote go to
btw everyone reading plz specify who you think wins
I like it, very catchy. 9/10 from me, I'll go check Trogdars' out next. :)
Wow, very beautiful and touching. :) So amazing. I love it!!! 10/5 and 100/10.
thanks for the extracredit scores
Epic Journy
Man, that was one of the best techno songs I've ever heard!!!!! AWESOME!
I don't know who gave it a 1 but I think it's worthy of a 3 or 4. Pretty good, I'm not sure what a "reggaeton" is, but your song sounds pretty cool. I can't wait for the final version :).
Thanks, eh there are always those haters.
I'm taking my time with this one, not rushing this one :P.
Lol, 1337. Anways, it's interesting. I kinda like it, so 3/5 or 6/10 from me :P
Cheesy is my name, cheese is my game.
Age 31, Male
Phoenix, Arizona
Joined on 10/2/07